
Good Day!

Chester is progressing so fast! Today, I took him out-tied him up and then groomed and saddled. He stood so patiently. The kids were playing not twenty feet away: throwing buckets, dirt, and just being busy and loud-he never moved a muscle, just stood and watched. After I got him saddled, I put the lunge line on and we went out to the pasture and lunged. He is finally catching on to the outside (the round pen) lunge. He actually did beautifully. Then we went walking and did some zen grazing. While Chester did some grazing, I ordered pizza-talk about a multitasking mom. With the time change, it gets dark so much quicker so I feel a little pressed for time. The weather has been so beautiful, I love fall.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Sounds like Chester's settling in nicely with all the new sounds and experiences around there. Cool!

I hear ya on the change of season thing, too. It's dark here at 5pm. I just hate that! My mare thinks I'm already late to feed her at 4:30pm as the sun sets. gah!


Sally said...

You know, I read a lot about how horses and kids don't mix. In the begining all the two year olds would spook at every noise/move the kids made. This summer, the kids played while I worked horses, and everyone is getting used to each other. Just takes time and remembering safety!