
Pretty Horses

Big day for Rascal. I went and got her from the pasture for a round pen refresher course! The lesson included crossing a street and walking about a half a block to the gate - she was a champion. A little snorty, but so very brave. We took it very slow and she never spooked at anything, just took some long hard looks and walked right into the round pen where I let her settle for a few minutes then groomed, lunged, and cleaned her two front feet. As I watched her in the round pen I couldn't help but take some pictures, she's just so beautiful. I'm not kidding, she has perfect (about as close as you can get) conformation and she glides over the ground like a dream! I feel quite the connection to Rascal, and I think she feels the same. It's weird, but there is a working alliance between us; an understanding that we can trust each other, and that I can trust her around my daughter.

Whew! Check out that trot. If I ever figure out how to get my video's on here, I'll put one on of Rascal's trot so you can get the full "glide" effect...

She was a little rusty at first, but after a few minutes everything got clearer for her and responding to my cues was a breeze. Oh yeah, it was raining (misting hard), but I just didn't care and nobody else seemed to mind.

I worked with Rascal for about an hour, but I did promise her that I would take her back to her friends. So I did and she seemed really refreshed and happy with the attention. Of course, Chester was very impatiently waiting and wondering, but don't worry, he got his exercise too.

Chester was a little bored today, so I tried to shake things up with a lot of transitions and reversals so he had to pay attention. It worked!

All the horses are enjoying the warmer weather, I didn't even mind the rain today! The only thing I could think was at least it's not cold enough to snow...

We're preparing for another show, the Green Country Arabian Classic is this May. Entries are due about tax time, so we'll see how many classes I can enter LOL! Sport Horse in Hand is a definite yes as well as Patience and Prize in the walk/trot, other than that we'll play it by ear and hope to see ya'll there!


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

The horses looked great! I bet you can't wait until you can ride Rascal! She's a beauty!

You've got rain and we're getting hail and snow today and most of the week. bleh!


Sally said...

Rascal's ride time is approaching fast! She needs very little in the way of ground work, so I better get some more big girl panties ready.
It's really started raining and it got dang near cold enough to freeze, everything is mud - even the grass.