
Successful Day!

Woke up to a chilly, foggy morning. Not the bad kind, the perfect fall morning!

Hey D, wanna have some fun this afternoon?

While the kids played.....

I found something new for Chester and I to try....

Hubby has the camera, that should explain this shot.

Chester says, "Hmmmm."

Chester says, "Um, I don't know about this."

Bend Chester, and take a deep breath, it's just me up here.

Wellll, maybe this is okay?

Now he's relaxin!
Just for the record mom: I went and bought a helmet today, quit freakin.

1 comment:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yay Chester! He looks rather proud of himself in that last photo. Good message for your Mom. hehe!

Fall, you say? It's been winter here for a couple weeks already. Last night temps were only 8 degrees. brrrr!

That foggy photo is pretty :)
