
Wow, it's chilly.

Yes, I'm a whiny ass. But, Ms Sami is too! You should see us outside-both in layers and shivering so hard we're probably loosing weight. Sami doesn't have any to loose...They're calling for a "frost warning" tonight, whatever that means. What happened to "freeze" or just a plain "it will be cold-wear a coat." I think Nationals will be fun regardless, and we're all planning on going. Minus hubby of course, he'll only go if one of us is actually showing and that's ok with me :)
I've got to somehow get Wynchester a blanket, but right now it's totally out of budget range so maybe he'll get an early Christmas present? So far, I've still been working with him, but rain and work are interfering this week. My weekend is full of fun! Work extra today, nationals Saturday, and my dad's coming to visit Sunday! (Okay, so he's bringing hay, but that qualifies as a visit!)

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