
Fast learner...

Chester had basically the same lesson as yesterday. This time though, he free lunged and on the third try he reversed toward me..yeah! Same as yesterday he got a lot of love for it and round pen lesson was done for the day. In-hand was a little more energetic than yesterday, and I can appreciate an energetic two year old. Then we made it out of the pen altogether and he zen grazed for a little while. Tomorrow will be something completely different. Chester and I both tend to get bored with one thing and then a little lazy at it so I'll rack my brain for some new exciting thing tomorrow. If you sometimes wonder where my head is regarding my Chester:
"A ruthlessly condensed training only leads to a general superficiality, to travesties of the movements and to a premature unsoundness of the horse. Nature can not be violated." Colenel Alois Podhajsky(1898-1973) The former director of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.

Jeez I was tired today. The alarm went off as usual and I just could not bring myself to drag out of bed. Eventually I did, but I decided since it was so hot to go get groceries and eat supper before working Chester. I did manage to buy him and the kids a monster size bucket of powdered doughnuts : ) Hubby was jealous - but honey, I got you twinkies, well - okay.

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